Privacy Policy

Academy Tutors values your privacy and takes precautions to ensure that it is protected. We may use your contact details to send you special offers and promotions on occasion, and we will comply with any email unsubscribe requests. Until your unsubscribe request is processed, you will receive an email during this time period. We don’t share the details you’ve given us unless you’ve given us permission.

Information We Collect

When you buy our goods or services, we obtain personally identifiable information from you. Academy Tutors only asks for information that is required for you to participate in the service (for example, your name and address) or to pay for the service (for example, your credit card information) (credit card information). Normal, PCI-compliant authentication methods will be used to save your information as required. We don’t share your credit card details with someone else unless it’s absolutely necessary to complete your purchase.

When you visit our website, we use third-party advertising companies to display ads. These companies can use information about your visits to this and other Web pages (but not your name, address, email address, or telephone number) to provide advertising about products and services that may be of interest to you.

Sharing Of Information

Individual user data privacy is always valued and secured for school administrators, teachers, parents, and students. Without express permission, we will never publish, sell, or rent personal information that identifies any of our students. This information is only accessible by the pupil, the teacher, the school administration, and the parent(s).

The confidentiality of this information has been decided upon by each school. Academy Tutors reserves the right to disclose aggregate performance data as long as it is not individually identifiable by the district, school, or individual students and teachers.

Marketing Lists

Third-party marketing list providers occasionally provide us with lists of people who may be interested in our goods and services. We submit direct marketing campaigns to these lists. We make every effort to obtain these lists from vendors that have opt-in policies for third-party marketing, but we are not responsible for their actions or policies. Please keep in mind that even if you are a customer of ours and have requested that we not use the details you provided to submit promotional material, a third-party marketing list provider can still provide us with your name and address, in which case you may receive promotional material sent to those on the supplier’s list.

Changes In Our Policy

At any time, we reserve the right to amend or delete this Privacy Policy. Any new policy will be posted here, and we encourage you to check back regularly to keep up to date.


We make every effort to protect your privacy, but we cannot guarantee it. Furthermore, we may be compelled by law to reveal personal details if we have a good-faith belief that doing so is required to comply with a judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process imposed on us, or a law enforcement subpoena.

Contact Us


Office No #606, Tower – A, i-Thum, Block A, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201309

Subject Academy Tutors Policies and Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time without prior written notice.